Welcome to the world of DRIB Training Academy where we believe that Information, Knowledge and Insights can help you to see and achieve Beyond the Obvious. We are proud and honest to assert that we are committed to providing quality training and every training program is holistically designed to meet the challenging needs of the INDUSTRY.

Our Verticals

  • Student Training
  • Corporate Training
  • Research Guidance
  • Placements

If you are looking for a skill upgrade or job oriented training program; this is the right place for you. We coordinate with the industry and train the young minds as the perfect workforce.

Our activities include …
  • Skill upgrade training programs
  • Job oriented training programs
  • Organizing seminars and workshops
  • 100% Placement Assistance

Courses Offered

Will update soon…..


We help pharmaceutical companies build knowledgeable, compliant workforces by providing corporate training ranging from drug discovery through commercialization.


Research work is not only an essential part of a degree program but also a gateway for better career opportunities. Choosing a topic is not important, but what has been found in the research is important.

Our activities include …
  • Ph.D Admission Assistance
  • Project & Dissertation Work Assistance
  • Research Publication Assistance
  • Internship and many more


The DRIB Training Academy is engaged in providing 100% placement assistance to all trained certified candidates. The academy assumes complete responsibility of their job assistance however it all depends upon the caliber of the students. “It’s a professional world and your work will speak for you. Whether it’s an opportunity or salary, it all depends upon your talent and work". An academy can only facilitate and give you a good platform to nurture.

Moreover, the Academy accommodates special classes on interviews, resume preparation and portfolio development on regular intervals. This is an initiative from the academy to test the aptitude of the students and to prepare them to face job interviews. We also have a system of displaying jobs on the website so that all the students can access the latest vacancies from any location itself as well as accepting job requirements from various companies through our website.

Resume Preparation:

Resume is one of the key attributes that shows the profile and performance of a professional. A good resume will always attract the recruiters to call the candidate for an interview. Since this is the first step towards the successful career, preparing an effective resume or CV has a significant priority. The tough competition prevailing in securing a job paves way for the need of an effective resume.



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